August 24, 20239 min read

Picking the perfect protein powder from all the options out there is like trying to choose which Kardashian sister is the best - overwhelming! Whether you're ripped like The Rock or just trying to up your protein intake, finding the right powder is super important. Take into account things like where the protein comes from, what else is in the mix, your dietary needs, and what you're hoping to achieve. With some careful thought, you'll be one shake closer to achieving your health and fitness dreams

 In this post, we are going to cover all the basics to help you make an informed choice for your specific health and fitness goals, understand the different types of proteins available on the market.


What Is A Protein Powder And What Does It Do?

A protein powder is a dietary supplement made by extracting protein from various food sources. The resulting protein product is then powdered and used as a supplement in a variety of ways to help meet daily protein needs without the excess calories. 

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs to function properly. It not only helps in building and repairing muscles but also plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails, and bones. However, many people struggle to meet the recommended daily intake of protein through their regular diet.

The Top 5 Protein Powder Sources For 2023: Whey Protein, Plant Protein, Egg Protein, Beef Protein, Casein Protein

It’s easy to get caught up in “choice paralysis,” the feeling of being overwhelmed when presented with too many options, leading to indecision and ultimately no action being taken. But as they say in times like this, “listen to your gut!”- literally speaking. I’ll go into more depth in regards your “gut feeling,” later in this article. But let’s take a deep dive into some of these different Protein sources to get a better understanding.

1.    WHEY PROTEIN – probably the most known type of protein powder on the market, it’s nearly impossible to walk through a vitamin section of a store and not encounter Whey protein powder. Let’s take a deeper look:

  • How Whey Protein is made: The process of making whey starts with the separation of milk into its two components: curds and whey. The curds are used to make cheese, while the remaining liquid is processed further to create whey protein powder. This liquid undergoes several filtration processes to remove impurities and excess fats until pure, concentrated whey protein remains.

  • The different types of Whey Protein: Whey Concentrate, as described above, is made by filtering milk to remove fats and carbs, leaving behind a powder that’s about 80% in concentration (meaning that 100g powder will yield approx. 80g of Protein). Whey isolate is another type of whey protein that goes through extra processing to remove more fats and lactose, resulting in a powder that's about 90% protein. Lastly, Whey Hydrolysate, a form of protein that has undergone an additional processing step to break down the protein molecules into smaller peptides. This process, known as hydrolysis, makes it easier for the body to absorb and utilize the protein. Whey hydrolysate is often referred to as “pre-digested” protein because it has already been partially broken down before consumption.

  • Which type of Whey Protein is the best? This question needs to be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If you have issues with lactose and find yourself bloated or feel some type of discomfort, then you may want to choose a whey isolate or hydrolysate as they have nearly 0 lactose. However, if your digestive system does not mind the extra lactose then you can go with a whey concentrate. Most brands in today’s market will use a whey blend consisting of isolate & whey concentrate & whey hydrolysate to have a healthy balance of all 3 types at a reasonable price.

2.    PLANT PROTEIN -  is becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious individuals to meet their nutritional needs. Unlike animal protein, plant-based sources are often lower in saturated fat and cholesterol while being packed with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Let’s look at the different plant-based protein powders.

  • Pea protein has become increasingly popular among health enthusiasts and athletes alike. Not only is it plant-based, making it a great option for vegans and vegetarians, but it also boasts an impressive nutritional profile. Pea protein is derived from yellow split peas and contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete source of protein.

  • Brown Rice Protein is another plant-based source high in demand. One of the biggest advantages of brown rice protein over other plant-based proteins is its high digestibility rate. Unlike some other plant-based proteins, brown rice protein doesn't cause digestive issues like bloating or gas. This makes it an excellent choice for people with sensitive stomachs who are looking for a clean and healthy source of protein. Brown rice protein is made from the whole grain of brown rice, which makes it a complete protein source containing all nine essential amino acids.

  • Soy Protein is another plant-based protein source with high nutritional value. Soybeans are a versatile crop that can be consumed in many forms, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, and soy milk. However, it is the soy protein isolate that is often used in protein powders and bars. It contains all nine essential amino acids our bodies need to function properly; pea protein is easily digested and does not contain lactose or gluten. This makes it a great alternative for those with food sensitivities or allergies.

best protein powders in 2023

With so many different protein powders on the market it's hard to make decision on which one to choose. But the best approach to pick the right protein is to listen to your gut - literally.

3.  EGG PROTEIN- is a popular supplement in the fitness industry. As the name suggests, it is derived from eggs and contains all of the essential amino acids that our body needs to function properly. Egg protein comes in various forms such as powders, bars, and liquid shots. It is a great alternative to other sources of protein like whey or casein for those who have an intolerance to lactose. One of the main benefits of egg protein is its high bioavailability which means that it is easily digested and absorbed by our body. It also has a high leucine content which makes it an excellent choice for muscle recovery and growth after strenuous workouts.

4. BEEF PROTEIN – is labeled as Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate. It’s important to note that these protein powders are NOT the same as powdered collagen and have a different composition of proteins and amino acids and are used for different purposes. They are made by boiling down various parts of beef into a liquid, then the fat and carb content is removed. Finally, the resulting liquid is spray-dried and ground into powder for the finished product.

5.CASEIN PROTEIN – is a type of protein that is found in milk. It makes up about 80% of the total protein content in cow’s milk and is commonly used as a supplement to increase protein intake and muscle recovery. Casein is unique due to its slow digestion rate, which means it releases amino acids into the bloodstream over an extended period. Casein has also been the protein of choice for individuals making baked goods, due to its thicker consistency. The industry positioned this protein as a “nighttime” protein due to its slow digestion; however, it’s a great protein option at any time of the day. Casein Protein might not be ideal for any individuals that are lactose intolerant or experience discomfort with any dairy-based products.

What's The Best Protein For Me?

Listen to your Gut! Your gut knows best...

I know, I know, we all worry about the nitty-gritty of protein powder - how it's made, what's in it, and which one is the "best". But let me tell you a little secret: the absolute best protein powder is the one your gut approves of.

Yep, that's right. Your body is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. So, it's important to give a product a test drive before committing to it. And if you can snag a free sample, even better!

Pay attention to how your gut reacts. If you're feeling bloated or experiencing any "code brown" discomfort, it's a sign that something isn't sitting well. Listen to your gut - it's never steered you wrong before, right?

female drinking protein powder

Don't believe the hype. The highest rated protein is not necessarily the best one for you. Your body will be the judge of what's best and what's not.

What's The Best Time To Consume Protein Powder?

Fitness experts say that taking protein powder within the anabolic window after a workout is one of the best times. This period is generally between 15 & 60 minutes after a workout.

You can also use a protein shake to break a fast after an intermittent fasting window.

Some people use protein powders in between meals as a supplement to meet their macro needs or to help keep themselves full if their goal is weight loss.

Key Takeaways

Bottom line is, there is a daily quota of protein that you need to meet daily, which might be higher on days with intense activity, the primary goal is to hit that daily quote through solid foods; however, if you can't reach that number though solid foods, then Protein powder is a great way to supplement those nutritional gaps. The key is to find a protein that does not cause any type of stomach discomfort, if you drink it and it doesn't 't feel right, then most likely it's not the right one for you. That being said, if you are still not sure about which protein powder to use, simply contact us via our live web chat on our website, or text "best protein" to 619-593-0466, a real person will answer the chat to help you find the right one for you. 

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Rob Hagos

Rob is the CEO and has been in the supplement industry for 16+ years. Fitness is his passion and he enjoys interacting with customers in the retail store locations.

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