Purest protein without additives

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Unflavored Isolate Protein

March 29, 20248 min read

Protein flavors have undergone significant evolution in recent decades, Those who remember the 80s can attest to the unpalatable nature of early protein powders, which often resembled something better suited for a construction site than consumption. They were characterized by a chalky, unpleasant taste that left much to be desired.

flavors in the 80s and 90s tasted bad

Today, we witness collaborations between protein supplement companies and renowned brands such as Hershey’s, Post, or Dunkin' Donuts. Gone are the days when a protein shake was merely an unwelcome post-workout obligation; now, it's an anticipated indulgence enjoyed throughout the day to get in more protein and potentially cut cravings.

However, one might ponder whether these shakes truly cutting cravings or if they merely satisfying our desires by deceiving the body with zero-calorie sweeteners? 🤔

How about cutting out the sweeteners and KEEP'IN IT RAW?

I know the initial thought of a FlavorLess protein powder may not sound as appealing, but it's certainly a way to reset those overstimulated taste palates.

Disclaimer: FlavorLess/Unflavored implies the absence of added flavors, yet it does have a subtle, mild taste profile. In this case, they Whey Isolate is derived from milk, hence it'll have a very light milky flavor to it, which makes it very versatile, in my humble opinion.


flavorless protein is the only pure form of protein on the market without additives

Now let’s look at some of the benefits of going FlavorLess vs Flavored.

1. No Unwanted Ingredients With Flavorless Protein

Have you ever checked the "other ingredients" section at the bottom of the Nutritional Facts section, you'll notice that the primary ingredient listed is Natural & Artificial Flavors.

Suppose you opt for a strawberry-flavored protein powder; in that case, flavor chemists attempt to replicate the strawberry flavor by blending natural strawberry powder with a combination of "acidulates," like citric and malic acid, thus mirroring the strawberry flavor profile.

However, the precise breakdown remains undisclosed, typically represented simply as "natural and artificial flavor" or N&A flavor.

Beyond natural and artificial flavors, a plethora of other ingredients contribute to enhancing the taste and sweetness of the product. Surprisingly, one common enhancer is an increased amount of salt (sodium chloride). Salt, a popular flavor enhancer plays a crucial role in making the flavor more rich.

In addition, various forms of sweeteners are added to ensure the product satisfies our high sweetness tolerance, more often than not it's a combination of Sucralose and Ace-K. Both forms of sweeteners are extremely potent: Sucralose alone is 600x sweeter than regular sugar.

Moreover, thickeners and creamers are frequently incorporated to refine the product's texture and consistency. Manufacturers recognize the discerning nature of consumers regarding texture, hence the utilization of these additives to meet expectations.

what artificial flavors contain

2. Reset your Taste Palates With Pure Protein

What do I mean by resetting the taste palate? Our bodies are creatures of habit. Some cultures can tolerate spicy foods because they are a staple in their culinary traditions. Our tolerance and preferences for taste are heavily influenced by our experiences and exposure starting all the way in childhood. Hence, your tolerance will for sweet or spicy foods/drinks may vary based on your exposure. 

Same concept applies to supplements, in particular protein powder, the attempt to meet your “sweetness threshold” (this word probably don’t exist, but you get the point) will require something very sweet, since we grew up with overly sweet products. In order to accomplish that, Sucralose is added to the mix, since the objective is to satisfy the sweetness factor without consuming excess calories.

Sucralose is 600x sweeter than regular sugar.

Now imagine drinking a fruit smoothie and adding a vanilla flavored protein, will you taste the fruits?

Yes of course you will, but they’ll be 100x more enhanced, 100x richer, 100x sweeter, to the point where they’ll taste weak/ watered down when there is no additional sweetener added to them.

Your sweetness tolerance stars to reduce in only a few days as well. The higher sugar tolerance was, the longer it may take for naturally sweetened foods to taste as sweet as before. You may find that certain foods are almost too sweet for you new preference.

But, rest assured, once you get used to the natural flavor that mother nature gave us you’ll have a hard time going back to super sweet flavors and it may have an impact on your cravings, if that’s problem that you are facing.

reset your taste palates with natural flavors

Rest your taste palates and experience what mother nature has to offer

3. Customize Your Protein Flavors

I know, a FlavorLess protein might seem like a product that has no “personality,” it’s just plain and boring, but I think that’s the fun part.

You add the personality based on your preference, add it to your favorite beverage, your smoothies or foods.

It can be very challenging to consume enough protein every day, so why not enhance the things you are currently consuming with an extra shot Protein?

If you are eating a bowl of oat meal, it’s most likely going to be rich in carbs and fiber but not very protein rich, hence you could add a scoop of protein powder, and maybe some cinnamon and fruits to make it more palatable. Now you have an ALL NATURAL breakfast without artificial additives.✅

4.Avoid Allergic Reactions Or Digestion Discomfort

Have you ever experienced or know anybody that had whey protein and started breaking out? Or felt bloated?

Initial assumption would be that it was most likely the proteins’ fault, which might be the case, but have you ever considered that it might be the additives in the powders?

When somebody tells me that whey protein gave them an allergic reaction or upset stomach, then I always want to make sure it’s not an isolated case. Meaning, if it didn’t happen with other whey proteins then it might be the flavor and additives, rather than the protein itself.

Granted there is different types of whey proteins, which will have different levels of lactose levels, which may have an impact on how your body will react. However, the additives should not be neglected as a potential cause of adverse reactions. The best way to find out is to consume it in it's raw form and see how your body reacts.


Going back to basic, with a clean Supplement Profile and without extra fluff

5.Enjoy Mother Nature's "Natural" Flavors

If you've been deprived from the natural tastes of freshly squeezed juices then you've really missed out on the gifts of mother nature.

But it's never too late.

You can always re-set your taste buds by reducing the exposure to "unnatural" sweeteners, when possible.

You almost have to treat it like coming off a medication or caffeine, reducing the exposure over time will remove the tolerance, and this should enable you to enjoy the natural flavors life has to offer.

reduce your sweet cravings with natural fruit

6. Turn Your Coffee Into a Functional Protein Coffee

 What better way to start the day than with some functional coffee.

What makes the coffee functional? Well, coffee has one purpose – wake you up and put you in a good mood; however, it does not add any value from a macronutrient stand-point.

Your body needs macro and micronutrients such as protein, carbs, fats, minerals and coffee provides none of them. Therefore a little shot of  protein will at least help you add some value to your coffee.

FYI, if you do decide to add protein, I highly suggest you mix the protein powder with a little bit of water first before adding it to your coffee, since the raw powder with hot coffee tends to make it cake up quickly.


7. Keep Your Gut Health In Check With Raw Protein

Generally Sucralose and other artificial sweeteners have been recognized as safe for consumption. Meaning they have not been shown to show direct harm to the body; however, the impact on gut health is still up for debate. Some studies suggest potential effects on gut microbiota and inflammation, but there is still a lack the show long term impact.

Either way, the goal is to avoid it when you can. What do I mean by that?

With some products it’s hard to mask the chemical taste, e.g. pre workout powders, or BCAA powders in their raw form are very hard to consume without some sort of making agent, where the sweetness of the product is overpowering that it’ll mask the chemical taste.

But as mentioned at the beginning of this article, Whey protein Isolate is virtually flavorless. There is no chemical or medicinal taste to it, it’s not a strong flavor that may call for an acquired taste. It’s simply unsweetened, watered down milk as a base that needs your creative input.

Now you’ll have one less item to worry about in your supplement regiment, when it comes to Protein Powder.

protein without artificial sweeteners to keep the gut healthy

Bottom line is this....

Are artificial sweeteners something that's hard to avoid in the supplement industry? Absolutely.

The truth is, certain products simply lack palatability without some form of masking agent. While natural sweeteners present an alternative, they often fail to sufficiently mask the chemical or herbal taste of the product.

However, if you're consuming items inherently lacking flavor in their natural state—such as Isolate Protein, Casein, Creatine, Collagen, or Glutamine—why bother with added flavors? Consider that these products can easily be mixed with already-flavored beverages, many of which contain sweeteners.

Let's return to basics and rediscover the beauty of natural flavors. You'll soon realize that overstimulating your taste buds hasn't been doing your body any favors.

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